Data (Date): 12-06-1983
Competição (Competition): amistoso (friendly)
Local (Place): Ninian Park
Cidade (City): Cardiff (País de Gales/Wales)
Árbitro (Referee): J. Redelfs (Alemanha Ocidental/West Germany)
País de Gales (Wales):
N. Southall, J. Hopkins, J. Charles(Dudley Lewis), K. Ratcliff, J. Jones -Davies, B. Flynn, N. Vaughan - Thomas,D. Giles, G. Davies (Lowndes)Técnico (Coach): Mike England
Brasil (Brazil): Leão, Betão, Márcio Rossini,Luizinho, Pedrinho, Batista, Sócrates, Pita(Paulo Isidoro), Carlos Alberto, (Jorginho),Careca, Éder. Técnico (Coach): Carlos Alberto Parreira
Comments: english
PS: This match would not be posted without the generosity of this fellow named Zilvinho. Thanks, my friend, for share this and other videos with our community. You are always welcome here!
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